By Guest Author: Mark Virkler

God’s plan:
That I see Jesus at my side always. Tuning to Spirit flow turns this godly
imagination into a living encounter with Jesus.

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living companionship with Jesus results in continuous anointing

  1. I behold Jesus with me always
    (Matt. 28:18-20 Modern KJV)
  2. I live with my eyes fixed on
    Jesus (Heb. 12:1,2)
  3. I behold the Lord
    always at my right hand

    (Acts 2:25; Ps. 16:8)
  4. I pray that the eyes
    of my heart be enlightened
    1:17,18) … then tune to flow (Jn. 7:37-39)
  5. I do only what I
    see My Father doing

    (Jn. 5:19,20,30)
  6. Doing what I
    see Jesus doing is what transforms me
    (2 Cor. 3:17,18; 4:18)
  7. I am led by the Spirit and
    that’s what makes me a child of God (Rom. 8:14, 4-9)
  8. I maintain perfect peace
    imagination is fixed on the Lord
    (Isa. 26:3 YLT)
  9. Since I abide in Jesus’
    presence, I bear much fruit. Apart from Jesus, I can do nothing (Jn. 15:5)
  10. I drink continually from God’s Fountain
    of Living Waters

    (Jer. 2:13; Jn. 4:14, Rev. 21:6)

about this concept

Initially, God planned that He and man would
walk together daily (Gen. 3).

Lord, what about being focused on various
activities throughout the day?

Mark, that is right, you do focus on various
activities throughout the day, but I am still at your side even in those

Lord, but my attention is focused on those

Yes, you are focused on the activity, but you
can split your focus, with part of your attention being given to the activity
and part of your attention being given to Me at your side. I am also focused on
the activity, and showing you ways to perfect and improve your technique in the
activity we are engaged in together. Together we create the future. Together we
create joy, life, and laughter. Together we excel way beyond man’s limited
abilities. Have not all great inventors and creators done exactly that and
even explained their dependence on creative flow to create the things that were
created through them? Yes, and again I say, yes.

Have not healing evangelists emphasized seeing
Jesus and ministering from the prophetic flow? Yes, and again I say, yes.
Kenneth Hagin would not pray for a person’s healing when prophetic flow stopped
him and told him not to because the Lord was bringing that person home.
Einstein said, “I want to know God’s thoughts, the rest are details.”
Einstein also said, “When I swim in silence, the answer comes to me.”
Edison would take a nap, knowing that creative flow was strongest then. Handel
saw into the heavens and created the music which he heard around My throne. So
yes, this is the place where creativity, life, and joy come from. It is at the
point of interaction with Me.

And yes, the more points of interaction with
me, the more creative, anointed, and joyful one becomes. It is a path that
grows brighter and brighter until the dawning of the full day of Christ in
one’s heart, where one sees Me always with them.

Is this different from the Western world? Yes,
this is My world. This is the world of the Spirit, rather than the world of
man’s mind. This is My Spirit in your heart instructing your mind. This is
where the maximum flow of life is. You are continually moving closer and closer
to this. Do not be afraid to proclaim it. It is true. It is declared over and
over in My word. It is just shockingly different from what most have been
taught and what most have experienced, including you.

However, you are closer to this lifestyle than
you have ever been in your life. So, behold, continue to move forward, and this
prize shall be yours. Behold I have spoken, behold it is to be done.

Yes, Lord.

Mark, if I were not with you always, then YES
you would need to act without first seeing and hearing from Me. However, I AM
WITH YOU ALWAYS, so you CAN both hear Me and see Me, even as I did My Father as
I walked here on earth.

I had Him inside me. You have the Holy Spirit
inside of you.

Holy Spirit reveals to you what I am saying and
doing. Tune to Holy Spirit, the River that flows within you and He will show
you and tell you what I am saying and what I am doing. It’s as simple as that.

It is not hard. It is only hard for a culture
that has rejected their heart and worshiped their mind. For them it is hard,
until they return to the simplicity of life, walking with Me through the garden
I have prepared for you. So walk with Me, talk with Me, abide in Me, and your
joy will be complete and your life will be full. Behold I have spoken. Behold
it is to be done.

Thank You, Lord.

You are welcome, My son!

of steps in my life as I learned this new lifestyle

  1. During the first ten years of
    my Christian life, I lived exclusively in my mental, analytical thoughts.
  2. I discovered flow and began
    living in flow during my morning devotions.
  3. Currently, I live in flowing
    thoughts most
    of the time, and flowing pictures some
    of the time.
  4. I suspect my next step will be
    to live naturally in flowing
    thoughts and flowing pictures
    all the time. Seeing
    Jesus, alive and with me always, IS true reality.
  5. Jesus will always be predominant
    in all my pictures; for if He is not, then whatever is more predominant is
    an idol in my heart and results in distorted answers (Ezek.
    14:4; Num. 22:15-35).


  • Lord, what would You speak to
    me about the statement, “Seeing Jesus, alive and with me always,
    IS true reality”?
  • Lord, what is the next step You
    would have me take in this life of ever-increasing anointing by Your

Commission series

  1. The
    Great Commission # 1 – Am I “beholding Jesus with me at all times”?
  2. The
    Great Commission # 2 – In-depth Exploration of the Word “Behold”
  3. The
    Great Commission # 3 – What does it mean to be a witness? by Charity
  4. The
    Great Commission # 4 – Yield Godly Imaginations to Spirit Flow
  5. The
    Great Commission # 5 – Seeing Jesus, alive and with me always IS true

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