by Dave Kahle | Aug 20, 2014 | business as mission, Christian living
I just hung up the phone from a coaching call with one of my clients. He was applying for a significant executive position and wanted my help with his resume and interview strategy. We talked for a bit, and I suggested a different way to look at his resume. A light...
by Dave Kahle | Aug 20, 2014 | business as mission
By Jim Lange Last week my wife and I were taking our son to a new doctor. Connie had made the appointment and she told me the general area where we were going so I assumed she knew exactly where the office was. That was mistake number one…which led to mistake number...
by Dave Kahle | Aug 6, 2014 | business as mission, Christian living
Note from Dave: I first came across this article in 1991. It has been on my website ever since. Its timeless insights are, today, more poignant than ever. Copyright 1991 by Integrity Magazine. Used with permission. Many followers of Christ sort their universe into...
by Dave Kahle | Jul 22, 2014 | business as mission, Christian living
Excerpted and adapted from Is the Institutional Church Really the Church by Dave Kahle Copyright MMXIV by Dave Kahle Published by Tate Publishing We’ve lost the culture. What was, two generations ago, a culture that could be described as predominantly...
by Dave Kahle | Jul 9, 2014 | business as mission, Christian living
Excerpted and adapted from Is the Institutional Church Really the Church? Copyright MMXIV by Dave Kahle Tate Publishing In the early 1960’s, this country could be characterized as being predominantly...
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