by Dave Kahle | May 27, 2019 | Miscellaneous
What may be the single most important predictor of an organization’s long-term business development and survival is that organization’s ability to learn. In a world that is changing more rapidly today than at any previous time in human history, the consistent practice...
by Dave Kahle | May 9, 2019 | Business Best Practices, Business is Ministry
In 2014, Hobby Lobby, a Christian-owned company, won a lawsuit at the Supreme Court. The lawsuit objected to an Obama-administration mandate that companies had to provide a number of contraceptives to their employees at no-cost or face large fines for not doing so. ...
by Dave Kahle | May 8, 2019 | Business Best Practices, Business is Ministry, Kingdom Issues
See if this real-life example doesn’t sound familiar. The owners of an automobile dealership were regular church-goers and considered themselves to be pious Christians. However, the sales process they used in the business was designed to be manipulative and had...
by Dave Kahle | Apr 30, 2019 | Business Best Practices, Business is Ministry
Throughout the Bible, the people of God who were business people were invariably excellent at their business. Abraham’s business was so large and so successful, for example, that it could produce “318 trained men who had been born in his household.” (See The Good...
by Dave Kahle | Apr 16, 2019 | Business Best Practices, Business is Ministry
Are things changing rapidly in your business? Silly question, isn’t it? Of course, they are changing. Rapid change is the distinguishing characteristic of our times. Take that rapid change and add to it growing competition, increasing complexity, consolidations at...
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