Here’s a very commonly held, and incredibly bad Idea: 

Real  ministry is only done under the auspices of established religion.

         This message—that real  ministry is only done under the auspices of established religion — is implicit on so many levels that it is almost impossible to be a churchgoer and not absorb this idea. Church buildings are often referred to as “God’s house;” pastors are often imbued with some special authority, and giving to the local church is held up as a prerequisite for the Christian life. All these together combine to send the message that “real ministry” is only done under the auspices of the established institution.

    The problem with it is twofold: first, it is not biblical, and second, the impact of believing it is devastating.


       Dave Kahle’s goal is to provide sales leaders and small businesspeople with practical actionable ideas that can make an immediate impact on your sales performance.

         Dave is a B2B sales expert, and a Christian Business thought leader.  He has authored 13 books, presented in 47 states and 11 countries and worked with over 500 sales organizations.  In these ten-minute podcasts, his unique blend of out-of-the-box thinking and practical insights will challenge and enable you to sell better, lead better and live better.

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The Good Book on Business

Is the Institutional Church Really the Church?

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