by Dave Kahle | Aug 24, 2021 | Podcasts for Christian Business People
Focusing on one or more target markets is one of the key processes to building a successful sales system for your business or practice. But, business people are often unsure of how to go about the process of identifying those markets that hold the greatest potential. ...
by Dave Kahle | Aug 17, 2021 | Podcasts for Christian Business People
Here’s the fifth in my series of nominations for words which should be banned from the Christian’s vocabulary: ‘Church planter.’ I know, that really affronts the sensibilities of most readers. Most Christians hold ‘church planting’...
by Dave Kahle | Aug 16, 2021 | Podcasts for Christian Business People
The pace of change has increased, the growth in complexity has multiplied, and information has proliferated at an unprecedented pace. We are in extraordinary times. And unprecedented times call for unique and disciplined approaches if we are to survive and...
by Dave Kahle | Aug 16, 2021 | Podcasts for Christian Business People
The pace of change has increased, the growth in complexity has multiplied, and information has proliferated at an unprecedented pace. We are in extraordinary times. And unprecedented times call for unique and disciplined approaches if we are to survive and thrive....
by Dave Kahle | Aug 10, 2021 | Podcasts for Christian Business People
Acquiring new customers is one of those processes that frustrates and discourages most B2B sellers. It doesn’t have to be a frustrating and discouraging process. Like almost every aspect of a sales system, acquiring a new customer is a matter of understanding...
by Dave Kahle | Aug 3, 2021 | Podcasts for Christian Business People
Once a year, a small college in Michigan publishes a list of words that should be banished from the English language. These include words that have become incredibly over used, and still others that have been twisted to mean something entirely different from their...
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