by Dave Kahle | Oct 5, 2016 | Christian living
I was converted to Christ at age 24. My spiritual trajectory after that was probably pretty much like a lot of folks. I meshed into the church culture quickly and fell into the expected routine of attendance three times a week – Sunday morning, Sunday evening, and...
by Dave Kahle | Jun 30, 2016 | business as mission, Christian living
Welcome to our blog! We strive to help multiply the quantity and quality of Biblical businesses in the world, think a little differently, and challenge beliefs and paradigms that hinder our growth.
by Dave Kahle | May 27, 2016 | Christian living
Have you ever wondered how you can motivate yourself, or someone around you? As a professional speaker, I’m often asked to ‘motivate’ the audience. As a trainer and sales authority, I’m often asked to give my clients ideas on how they can motivate a sales force. In...
by Dave Kahle | Sep 11, 2015 | business as mission, Christian living
I fielded a call from a disgruntled client a couple of weeks ago. He had subscribed his sales force of seven people to a program that included four one -hour training sessions, delivered on-line, and a 45 minute session for him to show him how to orchestrate and...
by Dave Kahle | Aug 24, 2015 | Christian living
“worship service” Once a year, a small college in Michigan publishes a list of words that should be banished from the English language. These include words that have become incredibly over used, and still others that have been twisted to mean something entirely...
by Dave Kahle | Aug 13, 2015 | business as mission, Christian living
Over lunch, one of my clients asked me one of the most profound questions I have ever been asked. “In your training,” he asked, “do you focus on instilling new skills into people, or do you focus on removing the internal hindrances to the use of those skills?” Wow. ...
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