by Dave Kahle | Feb 10, 2020 | Business is Ministry, Christian living
I recently met with an acquaintance who is in a financial crisis and searching for answers. After my meeting, I wrote this…. Thanks for sharing some of the difficulties you are facing right now. I consider it an honor and a blessing to be able to listen to you and to...
by Dave Kahle | Jan 20, 2020 | Business is Ministry, Christian living, Kingdom Issues
A few weeks ago, we met our new neighbor. “Don’t try to convert me” she emphatically declared, “I don’t want anything to do with church.” That reminded me of an earlier conversation with another neighbor, who told the story of the days when he had been involved in a...
by Dave Kahle | Dec 22, 2019 | Business is Ministry, Christian living
The question of how to be evangelistic in the marketplace is a continuous, nagging dilemma for most workplace Christians. We’re caught between two opposing forces: On one hand, we know the command: Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in...
by Dave Kahle | Sep 23, 2019 | business as mission, Business is Ministry, Christian living
Just as there are spiritual disciplines for individuals, so are there spiritual disciplines for Christian businesses. In this article, we look at that idea. This is a concept for those who are interested in growing closer to God through your business, We are all...
by Dave Kahle | Sep 18, 2019 | Business is Ministry, Christian living
Most Christians are woefully misinformed when it comes to understanding the role of business people in the Kingdom. They often have misconceptions about what is expected from a Christian in business. As a result, they compartmentalize business from their...
by Dave Kahle | Aug 19, 2019 | Business Best Practices, Business is Ministry, Christian living
In the last 15 – 20 years we have witnessed a major shift in our country. The culture has gone from a conservative Christian culture to a left-ward tilt which is intolerant of Christianity. The speed of this downward slide is increasing almost daily. At the same time,...
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