On Ministry and Our Work

On Ministry and Our Work

 By Dave Kahle See if this doesn’t sound familiar. If you want to be considered a “first class” Christian, you must be active and visible in programs organized by the church. And, of course, there is some special, exalted roll in God’s eyes for those...

Of Sacred or Secular

Note from Dave:  I first came across this article in 1991.  It has been on my website ever since.  Its timeless insights are, today, more poignant than ever. Copyright 1991 by Integrity Magazine.  Used with permission. Many followers of Christ sort their universe into...

We’ve lost the culture

Excerpted and adapted from Is the Institutional Church Really the Church by Dave Kahle Copyright MMXIV by Dave Kahle Published by Tate Publishing   We’ve lost the culture.  What was, two generations ago, a culture that could be described as predominantly...