by Dave Kahle | Mar 9, 2015 | Christian living
(c) Morris Ruddick In Memory of Our Grandson Isaiah Bird April 1, 2004 – December 24, 2014 “Been praying for you.” How often do we hear, as well as voice these meaningful words? Praying for one another and depending on the prayers of others can...
by Dave Kahle | Feb 20, 2015 | business as mission, Christian living
Thinking about your spirituality? Wondering if there is something deeper and more meaningful for your life? You’re not alone. George Barna, the researcher, has unearthed a condition of modern American life: “…recent studies at our Barna Research Group shows that...
by Dave Kahle | Feb 9, 2015 | business as mission, Christian living
By Kim Fettig Are we striving for the wrong thing? If you ask any believer what their goal is with a non-believing friend or relative, most would reply “I would to like to see them receive Jesus as their Savior and be attending a church”. That, however, is not the...
by Dave Kahle | Jan 19, 2015 | business as mission, Christian living
Our culture has instilled in our minds the idea that church is about worship services. This idea is so central to the modern church’s view of “church” that we could not conceive of church as anything other than this. Visit any institutional church and you will always...
by Dave Kahle | Jan 9, 2015 | business as mission, Christian living
If you’re involved in a congregation, I’m sure that the subject of congregational growth has come up over and over again. It’s given as the reason for a whole host of pulpit-directed efforts. We have to raise money for a building fund. Why? Because the congregation...
by Dave Kahle | Dec 22, 2014 | business as mission, Christian living
OK, I know that some of you don’t use the word pastor. You may have ministers, preachers or priests. It doesn’t matter what you call them. They are all specially trained men (or women) who are expected to officiate at the worship services, present a message from...
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